


Sling general how long does it take to check again? To use the management how to do?

作者: idealmetalware | 發(fā)佈時間: 2015-01-13

Sling general how long does it take to check again? To use the management how to do?

For the rigging, so must be mentioned spreader, therefore the content below, is associated with both, and will be introduced together, because both inseparable, there is a close relationship. At the same time, small make up also hope that through this article, to be able to let everybody know more about sling, master more knowledge content, so that they can put this to use, it is very good luck in actual, play its proper role.

Sling, general how long does it take to check again?

A: sling, generally every half year to conduct a check, if the frequency is more, or is the use of the environment is poor, so check once every three months, whether in need of repair or replacement.

Sling the use of management, as well as the important aspect, because in relation to its service life, so what are the specific content? Below small make up to explain.

(1) should be set relevant management system and methods, and some of the rules and regulations, standardize management, reasonable use.

(2) the use of personnel, should be very familiar with sling, and know the scrap standard.

(3) chooses the sling should be appropriate, if not appropriate, so resolute can't use.

(4) sling before use to check, check no problem, can be put into use.

(5) sling in use process, should avoid to be damaged, if necessary, some protection measures should be taken.

(6), after using sling to put back in place, not the place.

(7) sling to regularly check, solve the problem in time, and eliminate the safety hidden trouble.

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